Partner School

WTF is Partner Enablement?

September 27, 2023
2pm ET
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Partner School

WTF is Partner Enablement?

Join us for an unfiltered fireside chat on "WTF is Partner Enablement” featuring Jessie Shipman, CEO of Fluincy and former partner enablement leader at Apple.
We've gathered insights and expertise to tackle your most pressing concerns, ensuring you'll walk away with practical understanding and action plans.

  • The Essence of Enablement: Why is partner enablement crucial, and what sets it apart from other strategies? Jessie will break down the importance, goals, and what can go wrong without proper implementation.
  • Tools and Metrics: Get insights into the necessary tools for partner enablement, the importance of PRMs, and the key metrics that truly matter in this process.
  • Roles and Scaling: Explore how partner enablement varies across companies, whether established or starting from scratch, and how roles and responsibilities are changing with specialization.

It's time to clear the fog and conquer the challenges of partner enablement. Grab your seat now and let's embark on this enlightening journey together.

September 27, 2023
2pm ET
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Partner School

WTF is Partner Enablement?

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Join us for an unfiltered fireside chat on "WTF is Partner Enablement” featuring Jessie Shipman, CEO of Fluincy and former partner enablement leader at Apple.
We've gathered insights and expertise to tackle your most pressing concerns, ensuring you'll walk away with practical understanding and action plans.

  • The Essence of Enablement: Why is partner enablement crucial, and what sets it apart from other strategies? Jessie will break down the importance, goals, and what can go wrong without proper implementation.
  • Tools and Metrics: Get insights into the necessary tools for partner enablement, the importance of PRMs, and the key metrics that truly matter in this process.
  • Roles and Scaling: Explore how partner enablement varies across companies, whether established or starting from scratch, and how roles and responsibilities are changing with specialization.

It's time to clear the fog and conquer the challenges of partner enablement. Grab your seat now and let's embark on this enlightening journey together.

Firneo Cohort Preview

September 27, 2023

2pm ET

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During the session, you'll learn...

You'll build a better partnership strategy in in 30 days:

Have a clear process for building scalable partnership programs.

Build and prioritize a pipeline of the highest-performing deals.

Overcome roadblocks & conflicts that can sink your partnerships.

​Align with internal stakeholders to gain buy-in and secure resources.

​Demonstrate the value of partnerships (and your role) to your execs.

​Build an incredible network of peers that opens doors.

Influence company-wide strategy and maintain a seat at the table.

​Deliver continuous results to make decisions and have a greater impact.


Jessie Shipman

CEO and Founder

Join us for an unfiltered fireside chat on "WTF is Partner Enablement” featuring Jessie Shipman, CEO of Fluincy and former partner enablement leader at Apple.
We've gathered insights and expertise to tackle your most pressing concerns, ensuring you'll walk away with practical understanding and action plans.

  • The Essence of Enablement: Why is partner enablement crucial, and what sets it apart from other strategies? Jessie will break down the importance, goals, and what can go wrong without proper implementation.
  • Tools and Metrics: Get insights into the necessary tools for partner enablement, the importance of PRMs, and the key metrics that truly matter in this process.
  • Roles and Scaling: Explore how partner enablement varies across companies, whether established or starting from scratch, and how roles and responsibilities are changing with specialization.

It's time to clear the fog and conquer the challenges of partner enablement. Grab your seat now and let's embark on this enlightening journey together.

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